专业代理,原装正品 赛默飞 试剂,并备有大量现货
赛默飞 预染蛋白marker (10-250KD)简介:
产品名称:预染蛋白marker (10-250KD)
产品规格:10×250 μl
赛默飞 预染蛋白marker (10-250KD)说明:
Thermo Scientific PageRuler Plus 预染蛋白分子量标准是九种蓝色、橙色和绿色染色蛋白(10 至 250 kDa)的混合物,可用作蛋白电泳 (SDS-PAGE) 和 Western 印迹中的分子量标准品。蛋白分子量标准品以即用型规格提供,用于直接上样至凝胶;使用前无需加热、还原或添加上样缓冲液。
• 在 SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳期间监测蛋白迁移
• Western 印迹后监测蛋白转印到膜上
• SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶和 Western 印迹上的蛋白大小分析
Thermo Scientific PageRuler Plus pre stained protein molecular weight standards are a mixture of nine blue, orange, and green stained proteins (10 to 250 kDa) that can be used as molecular weight standards in protein electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blotting. Protein molecular weight standards are provided in ready to use specifications for direct sample loading to gel; There is no need to heat, reduce, or add sample buffer before use.